Corbicula fluminea and native freshwater mussel competition for food resources
Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission biologists and state and federal partners
have noted the rapid continual decline of native freshwater mussel populations
throughout NC.
The factors driving these declines are diverse and may
include: • changes in land-use patterns • related increases in erosion and sedimentation • varied pollutants
However, declines in native mussels have been noted in some
areas that have been relatively unaltered by human activity.
The introduction of invasive species has been related to the
decline of other aquatic fauna, and the introduction and presence of Corbicula
fluminea, the Asian clam, may be
contributing to declines in North Carolina’s native mussels. Once introduced
into suitable habitat C. fluminea
populations can expand rapidly both in density and geographically.
C. fluminea feeding
is relatively nonselective, and their use of both suspension and pedal feeding
may provide an ecologic advantage when food resources are scarce. High densities of non-native species
could significantly impact the availability of food resources for the native unionids.
The goal of this project is to examine the role C. fluminea may play in limiting dietary resources available to North Carolina’s
native freshwater mussels.
Specific objectives include:
Measuring the effect of varying densities of C. fluminea on the comparative growth of selected species of
captive-reared native mussels
Assessing the comparative relationship between selected native mussel and C.
fluminea comparative gill surface
morphology and food particle ingestion.